Bargaining Bulletin #3
New round of bargaining, sample employer excuses
You and your coworkers in Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 are graduate assistants, writing instructors, sessional lecturers, undergraduate tutors, music professionals and more at the University of Toronto, St. Michael’s College, and Victoria College. Your labour is the reason that UofT is a prestigious and world-class institution. But as you and your coworkers know all too well, prestige doesn’t pay your bills.
On the first day at the table with Unit 3 and with Unit 7, the employer claimed that their deteriorating financial situation prevents them from increasing your wages and benefits to match the gains won by workers in last year’s round of coordinated bargaining. We expect that Units 2, 4, and 6 will hear the same excuses at the table.
Your demands are clear: improved wages that reflect the cost of living, better professional development opportunities, and benefits on par with those enjoyed by other workers at the university who do the same work as you. Your bargaining teams will continue to fight at the table, but their power only comes from your continued unity and collective strength as workers.
Bargaining Updates
Unit 3
Your Unit 3 Bargaining Committee met with the employer on January 13, 17, and 30, and tabled a full proposal package by the second meeting.
Unit 3 members do much of the teaching across all three campuses, and you deserve to be treated as equal to full-time faculty members. Your bargaining surveys emphasized the need for improved health benefits. Your Bargaining Committee also put forward an urgent proposal for a professional development program to support your innovative research. The employer has had enough time to consider your proposals, but so far, they’ve only bemoaned their supposed lack of money. You deserve a real response, not excuses clothed in the employer’s manufactured austerity agenda.
Upcoming table dates: Feb. 3, 6, 7, 14.
Unit 7
Your Bargaining Committee met with the employer on January 21. Like with Unit 3, UofT set the tone for this bargaining round, saying that they can’t afford to pay you what you deserve. But make no mistake: UofT has money, they just refuse to invest in their workers.
As grad students at OISE, you’re caught in a uniquely exploitative situation. You are forced to apply for external grants, but if you win those grants, the university claws back your funding package and blocks you from accessing Unit 7 GAships. If you apply for Unit 1 jobs to gain valuable teaching experience or because you can’t get GA work, then your Unit 1 income is also clawed back! UofT’s reputation benefits from your grant wins, while you are being punished for your hard work and academic success, and for seeking job training that GAships don’t provide.
Upcoming table dates: Feb. 10, 21, 24.
Units 2, 4, and 6
Your bargaining teams for Units 2, 4 and 6 have yet to meet with the employer. Unit 2 has secured one table date on February 7 and are seeking more dates, while Units 4 and 6 continue to await a response regarding their first dates at the table.
It’s time for St. Michael’s College and the University of Toronto to come to the table with Units 4 and 6, respectively. The previous long-standing practice of getting the other larger units out of the way first to set the pattern for smaller units will not stand any longer.
In the meantime, members of Unit 6 should be on the lookout for further details about the upcoming town hall on February 11, which your bargaining team is holding to review major proposals and priorities with you before heading to the table.
Sign the petition for fairness and respect!
We, the members of CUPE 3902 Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 6, and Unit 7 are fighting collectively for better workplace conditions, pay, and job security!
We call to University of Toronto, St. Michael’s College, and Victoria College to agree to the proposals our bargaining teams have tabled.
Add your name to the growing list of workers who demand fair pay, more opportunities for advancement and job security, increases to benefits and protections, and respect for all members of Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7.
Meet your coworkers!

“Let’s unite CUPE 3902 units to uphold the dignity and positive working conditions—including the retention of shared office spaces—for all limited-contract workers at University of Toronto: a leading educational institution that treasures its reputation as an equity-seeking, environmentally friendly and safe place to learn and work.”
Jeff Stickney, Unit 3 | Sessional Lecturer, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department, OISE

“Being in a union to me is being part of a community that supports me. As the university is an isolating place designed to divide and exploit us, it is comforting to be part of a community that has my back as we fight for respect, equality and a living wage.”
Alex Vesuna, Unit 7 Steward | PhD student in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department, OISE
It’s never too early to join the fight for fair working conditions. Volunteer for your campaign by filling out this sign-up form.
Learn more about how collective bargaining works, where we are at in the process, and how you can help build worker power to win!
Friday February 7, 2025 | 12-1PM (ONLINE ONLY)
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Tuesday February 11, 2025 | 2-3PM (HYBRID)
CUPE 3902 Campaigns Room (376 Bathurst Street, Suite 200)
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Thursday February 13, 2025 | 6-7PM (ONLINE ONLY)
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Wednesday February 19, 2025 | 5-6PM (ONLINE ONLY)
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Tuesday February 25, 2025 | 4-5PM (HYBRID)
CUPE 3902 Campaigns Room (376 Bathurst Street, Suite 200)
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Thursday, February 27, 2025 | 10-11AM (ONLINE ONLY)
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