UNITED WE WON! CUPE 3902 + CUPE 3261 Tentative Agreements Reached!
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UNITED WE WON! CUPE 3902 + CUPE 3261 Tentative Agreements Reached!

On Sunday March 3rd, for the first time ever, all five units of CUPE 3261 and CUPE 3902 sat side-by-side at the table during our final pass of counter proposals. Many hours later and just minutes before midnight, we received the university’s final offers, and signed historic tentative agreements.

CUPE 3902 – CUPE 3261 Joint Bulletin (February 29, 2024)
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CUPE 3902 – CUPE 3261 Joint Bulletin (February 29, 2024)

Our coordination and solidarity have already secured significant gains for thousands of CUPE members in both 3902 and 3261. You have shown that when teaching assistants, caretakers, postdoc researchers, and food service workers stand together, you can achieve real gains that improve your working conditions and students’ learning conditions. Still, many important issues remain unresolved by the University’s proposals; strike preparations will continue!

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Since October 2023, CUPE Locals 1230, 3261 and 3902 have collaborated on a unified bargaining campaign to voice our shared demands, and the employer has taken notice. Our employer, the University of Toronto, prefers when its workers and different bargaining units are disconnected from one another, but we know that we are stronger together. That’s…