Bargaining Bulletin #7
Because your Employer hasn’t yet considered some of our key issues for Units 2, 3 and 7, your Bargaining Teams asked the Ministry of Labour to issue a No Board Report, therefore starting a countdown of 17-days to potential strike or lockout.
The strike deadline for Units 2, 3, and 7 is 12:01 AM on April 1st (it’s not an April Fool’s joke).
If a strike happens it will be because U of T and Victoria College have refused to address systemic problems that prevent us from providing a world-class educational experience. If there’s a strike or lockout, you should stop your bargaining unit work (your work as a Unit 2, 3, or 7 member) and join your coworkers on the picket line.
If you are a member in good standing and currently have a contract-in-hand, you are eligible for strike benefits and pay!
In order to qualify for Strike Pay, you must complete your Strike Pay Application Form!
Go to:
Workers currently on payroll will receive a separate email in the next day or two with the link.
Unit 7:
Unit 7’s bargaining team was last at the table on March 13th, and responded to the Employer’s first full package.
In it, OISE proposed an annual increase to GAships of 9%, 2%, 1.8% for the three years of the contract. However, not only did they deny our demands to decrease the amount of GA work that counts toward your funding package (a number that hasn’t changed since 2009), and our proposal to end the practice of excluding external scholarship winners from holding GAships, OISE insisted on their concession of removing job protections for Group B workers (unfunded students), who make up close to one-third of Unit 7 members!
Unit 3:
Unit 3’s bargaining team was last at the table on March 14th. That day, your bargaining team waited for almost three hours until your Employer was ready to meet.
When we met, your Employer presented their first full package. They agreed that Professional Development is essential for Unit 3 workers, and agreed to establish a working group for professional development with dedicated funds.
However, the Employer proposed an insulting annual increase to your salary of 1.5% per year for all categories, and various one-time adjustments for long-term workers (SL-, WI-, AMS- Long Term) between 0.15 and 1%. The Employer outright denied any changes to your current benefits or pension. Your key demands are left unaddressed.
Unit 2:
Your Unit 2 Bargaining Team tabled a full package with your bargaining priorities their first day on the table, February 7. Despite having over a month to prepare and four table days last week, your employer has barely addressed your priorities.
Victoria College has agreed to housekeeping items and some partial responses on discrimination, leaves, and SLs. However, we have received no response on most proposals—including items on financials, Writing Instructors, TAs, and Undergraduate Tutors. We have three more days scheduled, but progress is slow. A Strike Deadline of April 1st might encourage them to provide us with the proposals for a fair deal!
Unit 4:
The Unit 4 bargaining team met with the Employer on March 14th. Your team was ready to meet for a full-day of negotiations, but the Employer asked to start late and finish early—so an 8-hour day turned into a 4-hour day. We responded to questions from your Employer on your proposals, which they’ll review. Movement is slow, so the only way to put the Employer on notice by continuing to build pressure and solidarity with our coworkers. We have future dates on April 3rd with the Conciliation Officer from the Ministry of Labour.
Unit 6:
Your Unit 6 bargaining team met with the Employer on March 17th.
Your Bargaining Team heard your Employer’s preliminary responses—which were very preliminary. The Employer was hesitant on creating a May Curriculum Development Committee, and insisted that hiring decisions for Lead Instructors are up to New College and no one else (and therefore should not be written in the Collective Agreement!). They also hummed-and-hawed on common language in other CUPE 3902 agreements about Discrimination and No Reprisals in the workplace.
Your Bargaining Team has more dates on March 26 and April 2, 4, 16, 17, and 22-25!
On Monday March 17th, your co-workers held a rally and information picket outside of OISE. All Unit 7 workers and about 150 Unit 3 workers make their livelihoods in OISE. During the rally, workers presented a petition that a majority of OISE workers signed to the chair of OISE to tell them that we are united and ready to fight!