Unit 1 Bargaining Survey

Unit 1 Bargaining Survey 2023

U of T works because YOU WORK. Your working conditions reflect students’ learning conditions.  

Your Union of Academic Workers is currently negotiating your new Collective Agreement with the University. These contract negotiations are your opportunity to fight for important improvements for our future.  

As your Bargaining Committee is preparing to negotiate a new Collective Agreement, we want your feedback through this short survey. All personal identifying information will be kept secure and will not be shared with the employer.     

Have your say in what this looks like - it is time you thrive, not just survive. Join your co-workers to fight for a fair deal.

This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

What impacts your progress in your program or fellowship? Consider all the work required to complete your program, including but not limited to:

  • health (physical and mental)
  • academic work
  • practice time for music scholars
  • Unit 1 work including prep-work taken on to pay living expenses
  • unpaid work, including familial responsibilities

When thinking about whether you are treated fairly and equitably in the department(s) where you work, how important are the following issues?

  • Wages and salary
  • Access to benefits
  • Paid sick time
  • Workload/overtime pay
  • Health and safety issues
  • Workplace bullying/harassment
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Job security (subsequent appointments)
  • Leaves (and/or vacations)
  • Fully paid prep time
  • Work/life balance

From the list above, what are your top 3 bargaining priorities?

To win a good contract, you and your coworkers need to build a strong campaign. Will you commit to taking action?