Sign the petition for fairness & respect

Majority Petition

Contract academic workers say: UNITED WE FIGHT!

We, the undersigned members of CUPE 3902 from Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, support our bargaining teams in their demands to make our workplaces fairer for everyone.

We are the contract academic workers who teach and research at St Michael’s College, Victoria College, and the University of Toronto, including OISE and New College. Despite doing similar work, there are great disparities in the working conditions in each unit. Without all of us, the Universities would not function. 

We call on the University of Toronto, St. Michael’s College, and Victoria College to agree to the proposals our bargaining teams have tabled. We are united in creating a fairer UofT community. Our demands are clear. We want fair pay, more opportunities for advancement and job security, increases to benefits and protections, and respect for all members of Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7.


Sign Here

Get Involved:

It’s never too early to join the fight for fair working conditions.
If you want to get more involved in your Local’s bargaining campaign, sign up now!

Upcoming Events:

Strike Mandate Vote

The strike mandate vote is a critical step in the bargaining process, and it gives your Union the right to call for job action in the event that your employer refuses to reach a fair deal.

The University will never agree to your demands—no matter how reasonable or necessary—unless they see that you and your coworkers are serious about your proposals and prepared to take action to win a fair contract. If you and your coworkers participate in the vote and an overwhelming majority say “yes” to a strike mandate, it sends a strong message of worker unity and organization to U of T, and it puts your Bargaining Committee in a more powerful position to make critical gains at the bargaining table.

Want to know more? Read our Strike Vote FAQ.


Units Membership Meeting

You and your coworkers in Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 need to authorize the opening of the strike vote, and you will do this at the General Membership Meeting. Once approved, the online voting system will open at the end of the membership meeting.

Wednesday, March 5, 2:00 – 3:30pm
OISE 5170, 252 Bloor Street W, Toronto M5S 1V6 (also via Zoom)

Register via MemberPortal!


Online Electronic Vote

Wednesday, March 5 at 3:30pm –
Friday, March 7 at 8:00pm

You will receive an email from CUPE 3902 with a unique voting link, username, and password for SimplyVoting. You can only vote once. If you do not receive an email within 6 hours of the start of the voting period, please email our Chief Returning Officer at cro@cupe3902.org.

Results will be available on Saturday, March 8.