What are We DEMANDING?
Learn more about what we’re demanding at the table
Our Demands
Transformative. Essential. Fair.
The following priorities pertain to our current round of collective bargaining for CUPE 3902, Unit 3. By endorsing bargaining priorities, we affirm our collective intention to work together, to engage with the process, to support our elected bargaining team, and to organize ourselves in pursuit of our aims.
Our priorities reflect both the concerns of the membership and the realities of the Conservatives’ union-busting Bill 124. Despite the unfair financial limitations the Bill imposes, our colleagues in Units 1, 5, 6 and 7 have paved the way with their own successful rounds of bargaining, proving that significant non-monetary gains are there to be won, if we remain committed to our priorities and dogged in our pursuit of them.
Your Bargaining Committee is committed to winning gains in each of the priorities listed below and beyond.
Job Security
Establishing a Pathway to permanence; Improvements to and expansion of Advancement language; Strengthening employment continuity
Wage increases across the board; Growing the Unit 3 Fund; Getting fair compensation for additional work
BARGAINING PRIORITY #3: Healthcare and Benefits
Improving our access to healthcare; Gaining access to an established Pension Plan superior to the current GRRSP; Attaining parity or beyond with recent Unit 1 Leave gains
Improving language that addresses sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, employer accountability, protecting whistleblowers, and more; Fairer posting, hiring, and distribution of hours for hourly employees’; Establishing a mechanism for auditing and holding to account hiring units with chronic disregard for the Collective Agreement; Equivalent access to our Faculty colleagues to Departmental resources, office space, storage, lounge and meeting space and administrative support