A Bargaining Platform is a set of broad principles that form the basis for a round of bargaining. It’s based on what you shared through the bargaining survey, one-on-one conversations, and information sessions, and it also identifies how your bargaining team will seek to address key issues at the negotiating table.

You’re not negotiating alone! In the bargaining survey, 97% of you agreed with our Local’s strategy of having Units 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 coordinate and present a united front to our Employers! This strategy will provide all of us with the strength and unity required to achieve our goals.

With this principle of unity, we’re going to meet as members of these units and endorse each other’s bargaining platforms on December 6th. We’re stronger together.

Before we do that, we’re going to hold Feedback Sessions so that each bargaining team can hear from you and incorporate feedback on our bargaining platform before the meeting on the 6th. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS AND REGISTRATION LINKS.